Touring Green - Blog 32: Portage La Prairie to Winnipeg (June 22) | Opinion | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Touring Green - Blog 32: Portage La Prairie to Winnipeg (June 22)

The Longest Yard

Today was the first day that the wind hampered my plans to get into Winnipeg with enough time to do a short radio show before doing an in-store performance.

Not a very long-distance day but the wind was certainly letting me know who was boss with its tornadoes and storms and such constantly creating crazy wind.

Luckily, some Destroyer helped me ignore my snail's pace and keep on pushing.

The in-store at Music Trader was excellent and the rain was kind enough to let up to let me get my bike back indoors.

"Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So… get on your way!" - Dr. Seuss


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