Timeline of Nova Scotia’s 2021 reopening plan | COVID-19 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Timeline of Nova Scotia’s 2021 reopening plan

When phases start and lockdown rules change as we recover from COVID's third wave.

The third wave of infections is losing strength, and the province has a five-phase plan for gradually lifting restrictions and getting out of lockdown this summer. Timing of each phase isn't set in stone by top doc Robert Strang—there's a range that can be influenced COVID activity and vaccination uptake, leading to potential confusion about what happens when. But this timeline breaks it all down so you know where things stand, and what GIFs represent what phases.

Johanna Chisholm

Johanna Chisholm heads up The Coast’s audience and engagement team, assisting in all things digital and writing the daily newsletter, The Daily Drift. She previously worked as an international reporter in South Africa, Cambodia and Israel and has worked at places like the AFP, The Globe and Mail, and most recently...
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