Steve Streatch | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

2012 Grade: F 2011 grade: F
2010 grade: D
2009 grade: F
2008 grade: F
2007 grade: F

Streatch went through cancer treatment over the last few months. He handled it gracefully, and seems to have beaten it. We wish him well.

But we don't grade politicians based on the diseases they suffer. We grade for their political actions. And in Streatch's case, just like in previous years, he was fully supportive of every stupid, misguided, mean-spirited and immoral action taken by council over the last year. Stadium? Check. Evict the Occupiers? With gusto. Ignore non-profits' pleas for consideration over St. Pat's-Alexandra sale? Cue Mel Brooks “Fuck the poor!"� scene.

Streatch outdid himself on the Skye Halifax project, when he explained at length that he wasn't going to be held to any silly planning policies. “It's just a document,"� he said of HRM By Design.

Streatch, no surprise, voted not to censure Peter Kelly over the concert scandal. And when The Coast detailed Kelly's repeated failures with the Thibeault estate, Streatch accused us of being on a “witch hunt"� and attacking Kelly personally. Note to Streatch: There's nothing “personal"� about being the court-appointed executor of the estate, and if Kelly hadn't taken a bunch of money out of a dead woman's bank account, we wouldn't have been able to report it.

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