Reg Rankin | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Reg Rankin

District 12 (Timberlea - Beechville - Clayton Park West)

Reg Rankin
Megan Rudson

2013 grade: B+
2012 grade: C-
2011 grade: C-
2010 grade: D
2009 grade: D
Cell: 499-3744

The UARB created a new electoral district by taking the population-heavy West Clayton Park and tacking on Reg Rankin's old district of Timberlea. Rankin won the new district, in part due to his politicking skills, in part because his opponent was the crazy cat lady.

But Rankin's time has been dominated by issues related to the Otter Lake landfill, back in Timberlea. And he's done a stellar job defending the neighbourhood, and defending the notion of a first-class municipal solid waste system ---the two are one and the same thing. Rankin led the fight to keep the front- end processor open, and we think he would've ultimately won that fight even at the council level, had the province not stepped in and made the issue moot by refusing even to entertain the idea of closing the processor.

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