Reg Rankin | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Reg Rankin
Bianca Müller

2012 grade: C-
2011 grade: C-
2010 grade: D
2009 grade: D

In 1996, the old Sackville landfill was closed due to contaminated aquifers and multiple lawsuits, and a new landfill was proposed for Otter Lake, in Reg Rankin's district. Rankin suddenly found himself dealing with complex garbage issues, and played a leading role in putting in place waste-diversion systems for recyclables and compost, and for landfill monitoring. This, more than anything, will be Rankin's greatest legacy as a politician, and it's one he should be proud of.

Rankin continues to be in the forefront of garbage issues, and recently took on city hall over a delay in construction of a new landfill cell, which he says was directly responsible for odour problems over the winter. Rankin, and the committee that monitors the landfill, went so far as to demand copies of emails and notes from city staffers, who Rankin and the committee accuse of creating a problem for landfill neighbours because staffers wanted to reduce contractual costs for the firm running the landfill. This will be an interesting battle.

Rankin voted against censuring Kelly. He voted for removing the Hydrostone from the north end BID, but against the sale of St. Pat's-Alexandra. He was all for funding stadium studies, for advancing the Skye project, and silent on the Occupy eviction.

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