Premier Houston’s bizarre new COVID video annotated by Twitter | COVID-19 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST
“Strang looks like he's in a proof of life video.”

Premier Houston’s bizarre new COVID video annotated by Twitter

“Oh my God, he’s making ‘Get back out there’ his catch-phrase.”

Wednesday morning, the Nova Scotia government’s Twitter account released a two-minute video of premier Tim Houston and chief medical officer of health Dr. Robert Strang. Houston’s come under a lot of criticism lately for his handling of COVID, particularly because the government dropped most public health rules and stopped giving daily updates about the disease, even though new infections are surging in the official silence. In the video, the peppy premier seems to be addressing those criticisms, but Twitter users have some notes. Here is the full video transcript, with selected annotations.


Hey folks!

Tim Houston, premier of Nova Scotia. I'm here with Dr. Robert Strang, chief medical officer for the province of Nova Scotia.

Look, let's be clear, COVID-19 is present all around us.

There's lots of COVID around. And it's stubborn. It's not going anywhere, and given how contagious the current strain of this virus is, we are going to see cases rise. They're high now—they could go higher over the next little while—but eventually we'll see them start to come down.

Everyone experiences different emotions

as we, as a society, as a country, learn to live with COVID.

Some people are ready to get back out there!

While others are more cautious and need more time to adjust.

I can't stress strongly enough the need to continue to take COVID serious.

But you don't need mandates to tell you how to keep your family safe.

You already know how. Doctor Strang?


For most young, healthy, vaccinated people COVID-19 is a relatively mild illness.

But that is not the case for everyone. Sometimes people need to be hospitalized and these are often people who are older or have underlying health conditions. We need to protect them. And we know how to do that.

Vaccines offer the best protection against this virus—especially against severe disease—and for most children that means two doses. For most adults, that means three.

Wear a mask in large crowds and in indoor public spaces.

Keep your social circles small and consistent.

Use rapid tests as a way to protect the people in your life at highest risk of severe outcomes. And use them anytime you have symptoms or when someone in your household test positive. And if you do test positive, you need to isolate for seven days.

And whatever you do, please do it with kindness. Don't judge.

COVID is challenging us yet again.

So please keep doing what we all need to do to keep our loved ones and neighbours safe.

Kyle Shaw

Kyle is the editor of The Coast. He was a founding member of the newspaper in 1993 and was the paper’s first publisher. Kyle occasionally teaches creative nonfiction writing (think magazine-style #longreads) and copy editing at the University of King’s College School of Journalism.
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