On the phone with green politician Iain Taylor, District 13 | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

On the phone with green politician Iain Taylor, District 13

He’s running to represent people who are making minimum wage.

On the phone with green politician Iain Taylor, District 13
Holly Taylor
Iain Taylor was born and raised in Northern Ireland, moving to Canada in 2007 for his university education. This election, he’s running for council for District 13 (Hammonds Plains–St. Margarets) to tackle three major issues: COVID-19, the economic crisis and climate change. “And I don’t feel like any of the other candidates are appropriately addressing this,” he says.

Taylor has a degree in history, philosophy and politics from Saint Mary’s University, and he’s been working in the hospitality industry for two decades, primarily as a kitchen manager. He says he’s running to represent people who are making minimum wage. “So, I’m trying to offer kind of like a voice to those people at the bottom,” he says.

On the economic crisis the city is facing, Taylor says the hospitality and tourism businesses have been among those hit hardest by COVID-19. He says investing in crane infrastructure is a way to boost the economy. “More people working in construction would lead to more knock-on benefits to restaurants and services like that,” he says.

On climate change, Taylor thinks the city should look into financing areas that are safe, such as green transportation and retrofitting old buildings. “By investing in these right now, we can set ourselves up later for a bigger economic comeback,” he says.

Taylor says solving all three issues are related. “You’re investing to fight climate change, you’re stimulating the economy and you’re still doing it in a relatively safe healthy way.”

Taylor’s been involved with the community since he was a teenager in Northern Ireland. He acknowledges that he’s not as knowledgeable in certain areas in the district, since he only just moved in August this year, but he’s been speaking with plenty of residents. “I’m trying very hard to learn as much as possible in a very short time,” he says. “What I lack in the knowledge base, I feel like I make up for in leadership qualities.”

If elected, Taylor hopes he will be “a breath of fresh air” to the municipal government.
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