Linda Mosher | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Linda Mosher
Bianca Müller

2012 grade: C
2011 grade: B-
2010 grade: B-
2009 grade: C-
2008 grade: C-
2007 grade: D

As time goes by, Linda Mosher more closely identifies with the development industry. This year she made the motion to sell St. Pat's-Alexandra, and voted to advance the Skye Halifax proposal.

Mosher's political agenda becomes most clear in her district. Her advocacy for a fast ferry to Purcells Cove appears to be tied to a desire to open up the backlands in that area to development, which some residents say has in turn has caused her to support a sewer line extension.

The membership of the community steering committee, which will oversee a study on the sewer line extension, was decided in secret by council, which served to feed suspicion that secret agendas are being pushed. In Mosher's defence, in 2010 she had tried to convince council to make committee selections in open session, but was voted down. So we're not faulting her, but rather pointing out that this is a perfect example of why such committee appointments should be made in public.

Mosher voted against censuring Kelly. She was absent for the most important vote on the stadium.

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