Letters to the editor, October 12, 2017 | Opinion | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Letters to the editor, October 12, 2017

These are the letters and comments from the print edition.

Clearcut and dried

I'm happy to be reading about the most important issue in the province ("Clearcutting our losses," cover story by Joan Baxter, Oct 5). Everything else pales when we face a future without habitats for species besides human. There are majestic beasts in this province—not just rats and squirrels/pigeons of the city. Let's protect them.

Pulp companies sold acres for fractions of their value, subsidized by OUR/MY tax dollars! Makes me want to throw up.

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I also like the idea floated in the article about having our rural, small-scale woodlot owners having more ability to sell their wood at fair prices. Huge, foreign pulp companies sold acres for fractions of the actual value, subsidized by OUR/MY tax dollars! Makes me want to throw up. Let's change course before diverse forests are a story I tell my grandchildren about. Remember the fisheries! —posted at thecoast.ca by R. Tyler Messick

If you're concerned, please attend the Forest Funeral: A Protest to Mourn the Loss of Nova Scotia's Forests. The Healthy Forest Coalition and Ecology Action Centre are organizing this event—1pm Thursday, Oct 19 at Grade Parade—to let the government know that we do not support these unsustainable practices. —posted by Mike Lancaster

Pipeline tragedy

Christ you people are stupid—the Energy East pipeline was an amazing opportunity for our region, and morons threw it away for environmental what ifs ("In memoriam: Energy East (2013-2017)," Reality Bites by Jacob Boon, posted Oct 5 at thecoast.ca). This was also a step to freeing us from foreign oil. Then again the leftist idiots shutting down pipelines are the same ones who won't say a thing about the treatment of women and minorities in Middle Eastern countries. SCREW YOU HIPPIE. —posted by SeanShadilay1

The leftist idiots shutting down pipelines won't say a thing about the treatment of women in Middle Eastern countries.

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Why are we standing in the way of economic progress? Pipeline opponents will scream loudest when the province says we can't afford something. It's far from a victory; it's an opportunity lost that will affect them and their children. And that is not a victory, it is a tragedy. —posted by Priapus YHZ

Penguin politics

If anything, politics has become a lot more like sports ("Sidney Crosby is wrong: Sports have always been intertwined with politics," Voice of the City by Chris Parsons, posted Oct 10). Tommie Smith and John Carlos, representing the USA, raised the black power salute at the 1968 Olympics, but were defended by the US Olympic Committee against the IOC's objections. (The IOC chair of 1968, Allan Brundage, made no objection to the Nazi salute at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, excusing it as a German national expression.)

In the current US political climate, history matters, and Colin Kaepernick is on the morally right side of it.

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In the current US political climate, history matters, and Colin Kaepernick is on the morally right side of it. Professional athletes are privileged, but still represent their communities. Against the authoritarian and increasingly militarized policing of their communities, the players who kneel at the anthem are, as individuals, making an important statement which draws a line. Teams linking arms support the right of athletes to do so.

Pandering to the Trump administration at this point in history goes beyond a perception issue. It is unfortunate that Sid and the Penguins are, in effect, identifying with the current occupant of the White House, who calls US citizens exercising their right to civil disobedience "sons of bitches" who "should be fired." It is not a good invitation to accept. —posted by Andrew McLaren

Sid is a bit naive if he thinks Trump won't use the Penguins' visit to further politicize his agenda against athlete protests. I guess he'll have to find out the hard way, by being put in a difficult situation and made to look foolish on an international stage. —posted by Devin Maxwell

Sidney Crosby is his own man and a consummate role model who is to be commended for committing to honour the office of the US president and, by extension, the country where he has lived and earned a good living for the past 12 years. More is the pity that so many others conform by caving to politically correct firestorms instead of displaying the honour, class and strength of character exemplified by "The Kid" time and again, on and off the ice. —Kris Larsen, Halifax

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