Letters to the Editor | Opinion | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Us teenagers have it hard these days.

We have to endure homework, minimum wage jobs, everything to get us ahead in life. Now, due to a new experience, it has become apparent there's another thing to add to the list: Gender Inequality.

Recently, I have come to discover that teenage guys get the bad end of 2 sticks: We're young, and we have to pay more for car insurance then girls do.

I had been raised to believe that men and women are equals, but this recent occurrence has made me realize Gender Inequality is still among us.

Me and my father had been calling around to find insurance for me, because I've been wanting to save for a car, like any other 16 year old wants to do, but recently this thing I believed that was in my own grasp, may be farther away then I could have imagined.

Want to know how much it is just to get insured on my parents cars? $900. It costs almost as much as a first car just to be able to drive your parents car, and nearly $2000 if I want my own. What I am asking is, why is this? If we are all equals, why do we have to pay a lot more for insurance then girls do? Any girl can be a worse driver then any guy, it's not a genetic thing, breasts don't make us better drivers, it's the person driving. If someone has their license in the first place, that proves they're good enough to drive by the government's standards, but guys don't have the right to drive without paying more to insure we won't harm our vehicles.

Women have fought hard to get to where they are today, maybe we need to do some more fighting to make us equal, like we were intended to do in the first place.

By Unhappy In Halifax

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