Letters to the Editor | Opinion | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Dear Mr. Premier,

Here's what I find interesting: at least twice a week I read about or hear about the shortage of qualified, skilled workers in Nova Scotia because everyone's moving out west. Here's my problem: I graduated from Dalhousie University in May and STILL can't find a job here in the province. Sure I can get a retail job and make minimum wage, but as I'm sure you can understand, I can't pay back my student loans AND try to survive on minimum wage. And why I should I? I worked hard to get my degree. I worked two jobs throughout university to survive in order to get a CAREER, not a JOB. Furthermore, I'm sure that if you checked the NS human resources office, you'd find my resume there numerous times (probably overloading the system!) I have ten years experience in the healthcare field and a degree from one of the top universities in Canada. So Mr. Premier, if you have any advice or a job offer that would be great. Otherwise, come spring, I may be one of those people heading west.

By Megan

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