Down with the Cogswell Interchange | News | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Down with the Cogswell Interchange

A video report about Halifax city council finally dealing with the worst road in the city.

The latest video report from The Coast and PLANifax collab is all about the Cogswell Interchange. It’s some of the most valuable real estate in Halifax, being used for a road to nowhere, yet despite repeated reports urging its destruction and near-universal public hatred, city council is only now talking seriously about getting rid of the concrete monstrosity.

In this film you’ll find out not just where we’re going, but how we got here. Let’s just say the interchange seemed like a good idea at the time. Sorta like Sriracha and water.


PLANifax is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing awareness and educating the public to urban planning issues and principles.
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