Dawn Sloane | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Dawn Sloane
Bianca Müller

2012 grade: C+F
2011 grade: B
2010 grade: B+
2009 grade: B
2008 grade: B
2007 grade: B-

The controversy over the St. Pat's-Alexandra sale rocked the north end in January, and the area's councillor, Dawn Sloane, responded reasonably well: She was the prime voice on council for the community and worked hard on their behalf. But Sloane can be faulted for not seeing the crisis coming. The defunct school was given to the city in September, and had Sloane been more in front of it, she may have succeeded in blocking the sale in the first place.

Sloane was a staunch defender of HRM By Design, and objected strongly when a council majority voted to allow the Skye development proposal to go to a public hearing. But she was also an enthusiastic supporter of the stadium dream, even when it became obvious that the effort would fail.

Crucially, she voted against censuring Kelly. After the St. Pat's-Alexandra issue arose, she seems to have parted ways with the mayor, but it's too little, too late.

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