Dartmouth High School surrounded by construction | News | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Dartmouth High School surrounded by construction

School board says there is no delay, but all evidence says otherwise.

Students returning to Dartmouth High School Tuesday found the school to be a construction zone, with a gaping hole in the building, one entrance completely blocked off by a fence and piles of building materials and the other two entrances flanked by machinery and debris. Doug Hadley, a spokesperson for the school district, says the three-year rebuilding project is “more or less on schedule,” but he gives expected completion dates for some of the components as “September” or “Fall,” suggesting that some of the work is falling behind an expected summer completion. On school days, says Hadley, work is limited to after-school hours, from 3:30pm to 11pm. Meanwhile, the city says construction of the expanded Bridge Terminal, immediately adjacent to the school, should also start this week.
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