Chef Ray Bear: Tabah threatened my life | Shoptalk | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Chef Ray Bear: Tabah threatened my life

The backstory to BEAR restaurant

Last Monday, I broke the news on The Coast's web site that chef Ray Bear had abruptly left town, leaving the future of BEAR Restaurant in limbo.

Friday, Ray Bear himself left the following comment on that story:

I WORKED MY ASS IF THAT PLACE FOR A YEAR WITH MOST OF THE TIME NO MANAGER, NO BUDGET AND NO ONE IN THE CITY TO REPARE ANY OF THE BREAKDOWNS. I did not have control of money at any time, the "GUY" is a Thug! I left after a death threat was made to me over the phone which I reported to the police! Employers (thats all I was,was an employee) don't call you drunk and scream you are the enemy, then leave messages that they love you. The "guy" is sick?! Anyone who does business with this "guy" be careful not to get burned! me? I am a chef who is passionate about the total guest experience! Impossible under those conditions
In the comment, Bear is clearly referring to David Tabah, the primary owner of BEAR Restaurant, and Bear is alleging that Tabah threatened his, Bear's, life.

As per our web site, policy, I removed the comment until I could verify that it was in fact Ray Bear who made it. I exchanged email with Bear Saturday, and he confirmed that Bear had placed the comment.

This morning, I spoke with constable Brian Palmeter of the Halifax Police Department; department policy prohibits the public release of names on police reports, but Palmeter confirms that someone from the 1200 block of Barrington Street (Bear Restaurant is at 1239 Barrington Street) called the police department on Wednesday, September 16, alleging that his life had been threatened via telephone on Thursday, September 10.

The allegation that a death threat was made is unproven.

Palmeter says that the police investigation has been closed, because "it was settled to the satisfaction of the complainant."

BEAR Restaurant remains the subject of continued rumours. David Tabah has not immediately returned my calls. A woman who answered the phone at the restaurant says there are no plans to close it.

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