Breaking News: Metro Transit to reduce ferry service | News | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Breaking News: Metro Transit to reduce ferry service

1,000 hours in operating time cut; last ferry will leave Halifax at 10:15pm.

Metro Transit is planning to significantly reduce ferry service, effective May 21. The changes are:
Service reduced to every 30 minutes from noon to 2:00pm on weekdays; remove service after 10:30pm on weekdays and Saturdays, and before 11:30am on Sundays. This ferry route does not meet Service Standard of 390 passengers per hour in the peak direction during weekday daytime hours, or 290 passengers per hour in the peak direction during weekday evenings and weekends.
Reduction of 870 annual service hours.

Remove last morning trip departing Woodside and return trip (9:37am and 9:52am). This ferry route does not meet Service Standard of 390 passengers per hour in the peak direction during weekday daytime hours.
This trip would be reinstated when construction of the new conventional ferry is completed, it is anticipated that all day service would improve ridership during this time period.
Reduction of 130 annual service hours.

The changes were announced quietly on Metro Transit's web page, apparently after The Coast began making enquiries. Transit employees were only told of the changes this morning last week.

Metro Transit's PR department did not immediately return a call for comment.

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