8 new cases but nobody’s hospitalized Saturday, April 10 | COVID-19 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST
Map of COVID-19 cases reported in Nova Scotia as of April 10, 2021. Legend here. THE COAST

8 new cases but nobody’s hospitalized Saturday, April 10

With 43 active cases, Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 numbers keep creeping up.

Nova Scotia has eight new COVID-19 cases today, the most in a single day since the nine announced last Friday, April 2. "There are two case are [sic] in Western Zone. One case is related to travel outside Atlantic Canada and the other is under investigation," says Saturday's daily update. "There are also six cases in Central Zone. Three cases are related to travel outside Atlantic Canada and the remaining cases are close contacts of previously reported cases."

That one "under investigation" case in Western zone isn't reassuring, even if the bulk of today's cases feel more contained under the umbrella of travel and previous patients. And the province's active caseload has risen to 43, setting another record high for 2021 as happened yesterday and the day before. But let's focus on the positives.

The six patients who recovered since yesterday's report represent the most recoveries in a day since Saturday, March 27, two full weeks ago. Four of those case closures were in the Halifax health network according to our locating table below, although with five of the new cases Halifax still has the most active cases of any network at 14.

For the first time in 13 days, the province has no C19 patients sick enough to require hospitalization. COVID-clear hospitals are always reassuring.

Because it's the weekend, getting the vaccination stats from Friday is apparently impossible, so we'll be waiting until Monday for new vax facts. But Nova Scotia's labs are still reporting their activity levels: yesterday they completed 2,339 local tests, which is more than 500 tests above the current daily average.

Where Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 cases are on Saturday, April 10

Western zone totals 2 new 1 closed 13 active
Yarmouth - - 1
Lunenburg - 1 4
Wolfville 2 - 8
Central zone totals 6 new 5 closed 23 active
West Hants - - -
Halifax 5 4 14
Dartmouth - - 4
Bedford 1 - 3
Eastern Shore - 1 -
Northern zone totals 0 new 0 closed 2 active
Truro - - 1
Amherst - - -
Pictou - - 1
Eastern zone totals 0 new 0 closed 5 active
Antigonish - - 1
Inverness - - 1
Sydney - - 3

TABLE NOTES The totals for the health zones (Northern, Eastern, Western, Central) may be different than the totals you'd get by adding up the numbers in the Community Health Networks that make up each zone, because the province doesn't track all cases at the community network level. The zone totals reflect every case in the area; the community network numbers only show cases that can be localized to a region inside the bigger area. The names of the community networks here have been adapted/shortened for simplicity (click to download the province's PDF map with the exhaustively complete network names). All data comes from the Nova Scotia COVID-19 data page. We use a dash (-) instead of a zero (0) where applicable in the health network numbers to make the table easier to read.

Kyle Shaw

Kyle is the editor of The Coast. He was a founding member of the newspaper in 1993 and was the paper’s first publisher. Kyle occasionally teaches creative nonfiction writing (think magazine-style #longreads) and copy editing at the University of King’s College School of Journalism.
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