6 cases reported for Nova Scotia on Tuesday, April 13 | COVID-19 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST
Map of COVID-19 cases reported in Nova Scotia as of April 13, 2021. Legend here. THE COAST

6 cases reported for Nova Scotia on Tuesday, April 13

The province’s latest COVID-19 numbers.

As we explained yesterday, with Stephanie Nolen's Northwood investigation about to be published, his week's updates about the province's pandemic numbers are going to be bare-bones. Today is a perfect example, with very little information beyond what the province provides.

Nova Scotia is reporting six new C19 cases in its daily press release, for a total of 45 active cases, three of those being patients hospitalized with the disease.

"Two cases are in Central Zone and are related to travel outside Canada," says the province. "Three cases are in Western Zone and are related to travel outside Canada. The other case is in Eastern Zone and is related to travel outside Atlantic Canada. The people are self-isolating, as required."

Yesterday, NS labs processed 2,110 Nova Scotian tests, and vaccination clinics administered enough jabs to bring the provincial total to 157,590 doses distributed since the vax rollout started back in December.

That's the raw information from the province. We've developed systems to do ongoing analysis of the province's numbers, so we can at least give some context to vaccination stats today.

That total number of doses injected since December doesn't mean much, but comparing to the previous total we find there were 7,467 doses delivered yesterday. That's a healthy number. On the weekend the province managed an average of about 4,000 daily injections, and Monday is almost double that rate; last week there were over 8,500 shots given on Thursday, but this Monday's (nearly) 7,500 is higher than last Monday (almost 3,000 doses), Tuesday (about 6,700) or Wednesday (also about 6,700).

Also, we should take time to point out that today's count of 45 active cases is a decline from yesterday's 46 cases. That number has been trending steadily up in recent weeks, so any drop is welcome. Meanwhile, New Brunswick's Edmundston outbreak has gotten bad enough that today Strankin announced today they are firming up Nova Scotia's border, reinstating the two-week quarantine on travellers from New Brunswick. That goes into effect Thursday, 8am.

Finally today, the province moved some cases around in its Panorama database. This happens occasionally, typically without notice beyond the province's data disclaimer: "As investigations are ongoing, postal codes may be updated resulting in assigning of cases to different zones." A result of this is the numbers changed on our map at the top of the page in ways that are not accounted for in today's case numbers. For example, the Northern health zone's total case count rose by one—from 134 yesterday to 135 today—even though there are no new infections there.

The total number of cases in the province hasn't changed in this redistribution.

Where Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 cases are on Tuesday, April 13

Western zone totals 3 new 2 closed 9 active
Yarmouth - - 1
Lunenburg - 2 1
Wolfville 3 - 7
Central zone totals 2 new 5 closed 29 active
West Hants - - -
Halifax - 1 18
Dartmouth - 1 6
Bedford - 1 3
Eastern Shore - - -
Northern zone totals 0 new 0 closed 2 active
Truro - - 1
Amherst - - -
Pictou - - 1
Eastern zone totals 1 new 2 closed 5 active
Antigonish - 1 -
Inverness - 1 -
Sydney 1 - 5

TABLE NOTES The totals for the health zones (Northern, Eastern, Western, Central) may be different than the totals you'd get by adding up the numbers in the Community Health Networks that make up each zone, because the province doesn't track all cases at the community network level. The zone totals reflect every case in the area; the community network numbers only show cases that can be localized to a region inside the bigger area. The names of the community networks here have been adapted/shortened for simplicity (click to download the province's PDF map with the exhaustively complete network names). All data comes from the Nova Scotia COVID-19 data page. We use a dash (-) instead of a zero (0) where applicable in the health network numbers to make the table easier to read.

Kyle Shaw

Kyle is the editor of The Coast. He was a founding member of the newspaper in 1993 and was the paper’s first publisher. Kyle occasionally teaches creative nonfiction writing (think magazine-style #longreads) and copy editing at the University of King’s College School of Journalism.
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