2 new cases and a vax record Wednesday April 7 | COVID-19 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

2 new cases and a vax record Wednesday April 7

Nova Scotia’s latest COVID-19 numbers.

Two measly cases. That's all Nova Scotia is reporting today, the same day loosenings on travel and gathering restrictions came into effect at 8am. And yet, small though that number is, the recovery tally is smaller. Only one person with COVID-19, a patient in the Western health zone, has recovered since yesterday's report. Thus the number of active cases in the province rises by a single case to 37, the most in over a month. (February 28 had 38 cases.)

click to enlarge 2 new cases and a vax record Wednesday April 7
Map of COVID-19 cases reported in Nova Scotia as of April 8, 2021. Legend here, story striaght to court. THE COAST
One of those 37 cases is a patient sick enough with C19 to be in the hospital. No patients are in intensive care because of the coronavirus.

Nova Scotia's labs processed 1,989 tests of Nova Scotian samples yesterday. That's well up from the day before (975 tests), and approaching the recent average of 2,200 daily tests.

Vaccinations are on a similar trajectory. After dispensing way-below-average numbers of doses over the last few days—an Easter holiday weekend slowdown—the most-ever jabs were delivered Tuesday, April 6, when 6,730 people were vaccinated across the province. If only we could inject anything like 6,000 people per day on weekends.

“Overall, our numbers are low because Nova Scotians are doing their part to follow public health measures,” premier Iain Rankin says in the daily update. “Continuing the core measures of physical distancing, masking, getting together in small and consistent groups, and getting tested is how we will keep our case numbers low, especially as we open up more and welcome Atlantic Canadian visitors to Nova Scotia.”

Where Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 cases are on Wednesday, April 7

Western zone totals 0 new 1 closed 11 active
Yarmouth - - 1
Lunenburg - 1 5
Wolfville - - 5
Central zone totals 2 new 0 closed 21 active
West Hants - - -
Halifax - - 10
Dartmouth - - 2
Bedford - - 2
Eastern Shore - - 2
Northern zone totals 0 new 0 closed 1 active
Truro - - 1
Amherst - - -
Pictou - - -
Eastern zone totals 0 new 0 closed 4 active
Antigonish - - -
Inverness - - 2
Sydney - - 2

TABLE NOTES The totals for the health zones (Northern, Eastern, Western, Central) may be different than the totals you'd get by adding up the numbers in the Community Health Networks that make up each zone, because the province doesn't track all cases at the community network level. The zone totals reflect every case in the area; the community network numbers only show cases that can be localized to a region inside the bigger area. The names of the community networks here have been adapted/shortened for simplicity (click to download the province's PDF map with the exhaustively complete network names). All data comes from the Nova Scotia COVID-19 data page. We use a dash (-) instead of a zero (0) where applicable in the health network numbers to make the table easier to read.

Kyle Shaw

Kyle is the editor of The Coast. He was a founding member of the newspaper in 1993 and was the paper’s first publisher. Kyle occasionally teaches creative nonfiction writing (think magazine-style #longreads) and copy editing at the University of King’s College School of Journalism.
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