DaveChapman | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Jan 22, 2009


  • Posted by:
    DaveChapman on 01/30/2013 at 4:37 PM
    "If anyone can make up a palindrome using “Scott Macmillan,” I’ll give you $5."

    An easy offer to make, considering it's impossible! Would you settle for an anagram?
  • Posted by:
    DaveChapman on 01/14/2013 at 4:32 PM
    Re: “Sustainable news
    Hmmm, your column was one of the few reasons I actually read The Coast. Too bad. Best wishes in your new endeavours.
  • Posted by:
    DaveChapman on 01/22/2011 at 8:42 PM
    To help users make informed decisions, how about informing them that cocaine is an addictive, illegal, narcotic that is manufactured, distributed, and sold by criminals?
  • Posted by:
    DaveChapman on 09/16/2010 at 2:17 PM
    Hey "shadow": If you knew any substitute teachers, you might know that they make a fraction of the $65k you mention and have zero job security and no pension or benefits. It is not a job I would wish on anyone. A good friend of mine had to move away in search of a decent teaching job. I wonder what has made you so angry to pick on subs the way you have. I hope you have a better day tomorrow!
  • Posted by:
    DaveChapman on 08/20/2010 at 8:38 AM
    I read somewhere that agriculture is the business of converting oil into food. Not only the fuel costs involved, but the fertilizer. So will this not naturally change when oil becomes more expensive and then scarce? No longer will it be profitable to import apples from New Zealand and snow peas from Guatemala. But to eat local means to eat seasonally and to enjoy a narrowed variety of foodstuffs. Are people ready for that? Ready or not, here it comes! Fishcakes and beans with green tomato chow and (if you are lucky) brown bread. Yum!
  • Posted by:
    DaveChapman on 07/22/2010 at 3:29 PM
    I read the memo: it said that the individual councillors had been approached and the Mayor was reminding everyone of their duty to prevent mishaps from drinking too much. Is that not what the PSAs tell us? Look out for your buddy, don't let him/her drive drunk.

    There is another aspect to this. At least one incident involved councillors on travel duty being entertained in another city. If they are getting drunk as a result of the hospitality being offered, it reflects badly on Halifax. Furthermore, does this mean that when HRM provides hospitality to visiting city officials, that the taxpayer is paying the shot (so to speak)? It would be interesting to know how much free boozing goes on and how much HRM citizens pay for it.

    There's a topic for our investigative journalist!
  • Posted by:
    DaveChapman on 06/30/2010 at 10:57 PM
    2010 Canada Day Dance Party: The Duke Robillard Band: cancelled!