Best Italian Restaurant 2017 | Ristorante a Mano | Food + Drink

Best of Halifax

Best Italian Restaurant

Ristorante a Mano

Gold Winner Ristorante a Mano

Silver Winner The Bicycle Thief

Bronze Winner il Mercato Trattoria

There’s a distinctly Italian energy to Ristorante a Mano, and manager Melanie Kronbauer says that’s just as memorable for diners as the food itself: “It’s an intimate space, and it’s lively. The staff are proud to work in a restaurant like this, and that comes across in the service.” Kronbauer adds that the mix of authentic food, quality service and that energy is what keeps the restaurant humming, even on blustery, rainy nights. “Thanks to everyone who comes in weekly to enjoy what we provide,” says Kronbauer, “we enjoy what you bring to us, too.”

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