Hey Halifax, you’ve only got a few more days to see this amazing art show | The Coast Halifax

Hey Halifax, you’ve only got a few more days to see this amazing art show

Why you can’t sleep on TOIL HERE, showing at The Khyber until July 24.

Antionette Karuna’s hooked rugs explore the spiritual aspects of erotic love.

A multi-artist exhibit that was slated as part of the Mayworks Festival of Working People and The Arts, TOIL HERE: Works from Rural Mi’kma’ki arrived at The Khyber (1880 Hollis Street) on June 30. But if you’ve yet to set eyes on the showcase, there’s no time like now. Thanks to Nova Scotia’s reopening plan being in Phase 4, going to a gallery is possible and safe and honestly just the thing our tired hearts need atm. The show features everything from quilting to installation work—and in particular, we can’t wait to see the hooked rugs by Antionette Karune that document the spiritual aspects of erotic love; the life-sized figurative basket sculptures by Clara Gough that document her community and explore the concept of labour; and Heather Cromwell’s story quit series, called Secret Codes, which The Khyber says “depicit Black Nova Scotian women, labour, love and stories from the community.”
See TOIL HERE until July 24, noon-5pm, Tue-Sat, at The Khyber (1880 Hollis Street).