Chaos Theory wants to Rock the Hill | The Coast Halifax

Chaos Theory wants to Rock the Hill

Starbucks plays host to Like a Motorcycle, Hind Legs, Aux. Out, S.S. Khandalla.

If things go according to plan for Halifax hard-rockers Chaos Theory, on July 14 instead of thrashing around to Master of Puppets and spending too much at the beer tent, they'll be sharing the stage with Metallica. "To play on stage with my idols can't be explained with words, but only with emotions of true bliss," says lead guitarist Alex Coulstring, who credits his music career to the band. The entire band echos big love of the iconic group, flashing back to the days when their rooms were plastered with Metallica posters and their high school bands borrowed from their repertoire. At Friday's show a panel of judges will decide who's worthy of rocking the hill, and while the competition is fierce, Chaos Theory won't be pulling any fancy stunts, says bassist Scott McKenzie. "We will just go out and put everything we've got into our performance like we do every time we play and let our music stand on its own merit.

Friday July 8, Monte's Showbar Grill, 245 Waverly Road 9pm