How 40-to-54-year-olds can book an AstraZeneca vaccine appointment | The Coast Halifax

How 40-to-54-year-olds can book an AstraZeneca vaccine appointment

Online booking for the 10,000 AZ doses Nova Scotia has available opened early this morning.

On Friday, April 30, Nova Scotia opened up the AstraZeneca vaccine for 40-to-54-year-olds. Public health head Robert Strang warned yesterday that the new age cohort would not open at the stroke of midnight; just before 9am,  it was live.

But there aren't enough AZ vaccines for everyone. According to StatsCanada data from the most recent census, there are almost 200,000 Nova Scotians in that age group, and only 10,000 or so vaccine appointments available across the province.

To facilitate appointment booking and ensure the booking site doesn't crash, the province has implemented a virtual waiting room. As of 11am Friday, the virtual wait was projected to be 25 minutes long.

Click this link to get in the waiting room to book an appointment.