Dhaba Express and Coles Neighbourhood Restaurant taking over from Indian Buffet Palace | The Coast Halifax

Dhaba Express and Coles Neighbourhood Restaurant taking over from Indian Buffet Palace

Two new suburban restaurants opening soon.

click to enlarge Dhaba Express and Coles Neighbourhood Restaurant taking over from Indian Buffet Palace
That Dhaba Express sign better not be lying, because with Indian Buffet Palace closed the BLIP needs some spice.

Two new restaurants are about to open, each taking over a location where Indian Buffet Palace closed earlier in the year. Look for Coles Neighbourhood Restaurant to be up and running first: After several weeks of renovations in the former Buffet Palace space at 972 Cole Harbour Road, Coles is due to be serving customers by the end of June.

Across town, Dhaba Express will bring spice to the Bayers Lake Industrial Park foodscape with classic East Indian dishes such as butter chicken and shrimp tikka masala, plus "modern Indo-fusion" options like spring rolls and roti wraps. Dhaba's website promises an early July opening in its 8 Oland Crescent location, beside the excellent Fredie's fish and chips shop. And fans of the shuttered Buffet Palace will be happy to hear that Dhaba plans a weekend buffet of its own.