On the phone with engineering professor George Mbamalu, District 3 | The Coast Halifax

On the phone with engineering professor George Mbamalu, District 3

“We need some new ideas in the city to change the direction things are going.”

On the phone with engineering professor George Mbamalu, District 3
Chisom Mbamalu
As a resident of the area for over 27 years, George Mbamalu is running for the District 3 (Dartmouth South–Eastern Passage) seat on council because he wants his community to be heard. “We have been poorly represented in the past,” says Mbamalu. “The way the city’s going I don't see a positive outlook. It's almost business as usual, so we need some new ideas in the city to change the direction things are going.”

Mbamalu, an electrical engineering professor at Dalhousie and Acadia Universities, says he’s a people person passionate about his community. One of his primary campaign concerns is property taxes—he thinks Haligonians pay far too much. He is also concerned about the state of public property.

“There are so many other things within our community that I've felt that we need to be addressed,” he says. “Our trails, our parks, our walkways need to be appropriately maintained, and our schools as well.”

Mbamalu’s passionate about revitalizing and encouraging small business throughout the community. “Small businesses are the backbone of every economy,” says Mbamalu. “In my district we need to attract more businesses.”

He also shares concerns surrounding the city’s police force. “We will have to look at how our police are being trained,” Mbamalu says. “If I get in there, I will look at a way to reform our policing. I would remove some of the responsibilities they have as first responders and try to shift to other agencies.”

Mbamalu feels his long experience in the community, coupled with his experience consulting with other community-based programs, will make him a definite asset on council, and help him make hard decisions. “I can assess which projects would be more meaningful, more sustainable and economical for the city.”

And he’s ready to be a part of the bureaucratic process. “I discovered the way that the city hall functions here. The approach they use has so many red tapes that we need to cut down to get things done.”