Joel Plaskett through the eyes of The Coast | The Coast Halifax

Joel Plaskett through the eyes of The Coast

Archives: For 16 years, from Thrush Hermit to the Emergency, Joel Plaskett has grown as an artist and The Coast has been there to cover it.

Joel Plaskett through the eyes of The Coast
All Dressed Up

All Dressed Up, May 19, 1994

Earliest known photo of Joel "the fairview ninja" Plaskett, in a fashion layout. Plaskett sports "kicking shoes (great for kicking!)".

Joel Plaskett through the eyes of The Coast
Thrush Hermit Cover

Thrush Hermit Cover, April 4, 1996

Joel Plaskett in his first band, Thrush Hermit, talking about getting signed to Elektra and their album The Great Pacific Ocean. By James Covey

Joel Plaskett through the eyes of The Coast
On the tracks.

Down at the Khyber, May 17, 2001

Joel puts on his walking hat for his second solo album. Lezlie Lowe calls him "an old man in a young man's body."

Joel Plaskett through the eyes of The Coast
Hot Summer Guide

Rock Camp - 7th Annual Hot Summer Guide

Ruth Minnikin and Joel Plaskett stuck in a canoe with only their guitars to paddle with. Carla Gillis writes about their experiences at summer rock camps.

A Man and His Guitar, Feb 17, 2005

Chuck Teed writes about Joel and his new album, La De Da, and his solo acoustic tour.

The Two Joels, August 2, 2007

On hometown fame and his "party record" Ashtray Rock. By Ian Gormely