Best Promoter | The Coast Halifax

Best Promoter

Gold Winner Sonic Entertainment Group

Silver Winner GroundSwell Music

Bronze Winner Josh Hogan

Most of the work done by a concert promoter is unseen until the tickets go on sale, but it’s a lot of juggling behind the curtain. When Gord Downie announced his terminal illness, new record and Secret Path tour last year, time was not a luxury. “That was the highlight for me from an emotional standpoint,” says Sonic Entertainment Group’s manager Mark Horton of Downie’s Cohn show last November. “It was a great honour to be a part of it. We have a great relationship with their agents and management, and we had to turn it around in a few days. Everyone had to pull together—but everyone was really happy to be involved with it.” Sonic also brought in Brian Wilson on his last Pet Sounds tour in the fall, amongst many club shows and other events. Bahamas and a Matt Mays/July Talk double-header are on the horizon for the new year. “We’re honoured to be part of the music scene here,” says Horton, “and we hope to continue to bring things that people want to see.”