Best Choreographer | The Coast Halifax

Best Choreographer

Gold Winner Cory Bowles

Silver Winner Veronique MacKenzie

Bronze Winner Alexis Cormier

Cory Bowles has been focusing more on film in the past year, though there are two key pieces he think snagged this win for him: A remount of Live from the Flash Pan with Mocean Dance in summer 2016 in Annapolis Royal, and a January run of Juliet and Romeo, a reworked version of the story from Juliet’s perspective with Decidedly Jazz in Calgary. But mostly he’s puzzled. “Not to knock anyone who voted for me, but I’m not really sure that that should go to me,” he says. “I’m sure that should not go to me.” The most obvious candidates are maybe silver-winning choreographer Veronique MacKenzie and Alexis Cormier in bronze, but Bowles’ list of more-deserving dance artists goes a few steps further. “Lisa Phinney Langley, she had some good work this year, some really great stuff going on. Jacinte and the Mocean gang. In a way it’s kinda good, because it shows how much people aren’t going to see stuff—if I won, it’s because not enough people are seeing dance in the city. So I can say, ‘Hey, come out and watch this.’ There’s lots going on.”