Tickled ivory: piano bar round up | Drink | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Tickled ivory: piano bar round up

we searched the bar scene for an old-fashioned trend that seems to be making a comeback: piano bars.

While Halifax is a great city for weekly live music shows, sometimes it's nice to simply sit down and have a drink with a performance that isn't taking centre stage. Ragtime, anyone?

Press Gang

The Gang's piano's played weekly from Thursday to Saturday, 7:30-11pm, with a new time slot Thursdays and Fridays from 4:30-5:30pm. Musician Bill Stevenson is among the piano players, a man who's won an ECMA for Jazz Recording of the Year.

5218 Prince Street, 423-8816

Hart & Thistle

This new(ish) restaurant by the water adopted O'Carroll's baby grand when it closed, and local musicians---such as Dave Dobson and Roger Stone---will alternate playing the piano, the guitar, or both, depending on the performer.

Historic Properties, 1869 Upper Water Street, 407-4278

Seasons Bistro & Wine Bar

The white baby grand that used to sit in the hotel's foyer is moving to Seasons' wine bar for some nightlife. Starting this week, musician Ron Van Dyke will be tickling the ivory Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, playing classical tunes.

Atlantica Hotel, 1980 Robie Street, 490-3331

The Seahorse Tavern

The Seahorse has a 1929, Canadian-made Heintzman piano, and the keys are unveiled when a band wants to break out in piano song. While it does host bigger live music shows, the Seahorse's New Music nights (Tuesdays) have more of a laidback feel. 1665 Argyle Street, 423-7200

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