Lia Rinaldo | Food | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Lia Rinaldo

A ticket pusher and a food fiend, Lia Rinaldo’s merged her two loves in Devour! The Food Film Festival.

Managing director Devour! The Food Film Festival

As a teenager, Lia Rinaldo got a job at the legendary Wormwoods Dog & Monkey Cinema, which led to the Atlantic Film Festival. "All of a sudden I blinked and 20 years had passed. It was a life in film and I never really planned on it," she says. But then slow food came a-knockin'. A partnership with chef Michael Howell led to the Slow Motion Film Festival, which led to Devour! The Food Film Fest, which just wrapped its second year. "When I like something I'm loud about it," she says. "My natural state is pushing tickets. It's my comfortable place."

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