Love the Way We Love | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST
Monday, March 16, 2020

Posted By on Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 9:44 AM

On March 6 I was at Pete's on Dresden Row,  and a prettttyyy cute/put-together guy stood behind me. It seems you got impatient and went to grab some chocolate near the checkout, and when you returned to the line you offered me some. :) You said you needed energy, LOL, hence the chocolate. I turned it down and said, “Ugh, actually, I was just thinking on how much I should go for a run this evening.” It's not often that a total stranger just says HEY, how's it going, WANT SOME OF MY CHOCOLATE. So, I hope I run into you again at Pete’s! My name is a character off of *Scooby-Doo* and starts with a D. — I Forget Your Name :(

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Posted By on Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 11:40 AM

I can barely believe that in three short months I'll be your wife. My mom likes to tease me for it, but I love that our story began with a lovesick 14-year-old girl doodling her first name and your last in the margins at school. Can't wait to try out that signature again in June. — Margo

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Posted By on Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 9:42 AM

I didn't know unicorns came in pairs. Thanks for the incredibly hot Saturday night. We’re still all spiced up from it. Keep being authentic, and come back and play soon. ; — Compass & Rose

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Posted By on Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 11:20 AM

It’s an incredible feeling to find someone who accepts your authentic self, who makes you feel like you’re the best version of you when with them. I am so thankful for your honesty and the safe space you provide for me. I adore you. — Smitten Kitten

Friday, March 6, 2020

Posted By on Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 8:44 AM

Sending my warmest love and admiration to the Korean restaurant downstairs from my work on Granville—who had to close without a goodbye. I hope you are well. I loved your food, I loved your hospitality, and most of all, I love the lady who always welcomed me and gave me big smiles whenever I saw you. Best of luck to you and your family. Miss you already. — The Japanese Girl Upstairs

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Posted By on Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 11:48 AM

Big thank you to Halifax Transit’s lost and found for their outstanding customer service, the driver on route four Wednesday morning and especially the good samaritan who returned my laptop. 10,000 thanks still isn't enough. — KJ

Friday, February 28, 2020

Posted By on Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 9:10 AM

You're my guy. My perpetual hug. My mountain spring of laughter. The steady bedrock, the beautiful heart of a generous and considerate lover who cares for others. I am unfathomably happy that we've been reunited after all this time, and even though we're not in the same place right now, we will be soon! I can't wait to build stuff, make music and art with you, exchange rapid-fire wordplay and scurry around town catching Pokémon. Let the neural-network generated text bring us to tears, laughing so our abs and neck muscles seize up. You're the one for me, and I don't need anyone to send me a SIGN because you already make them. You're better than good. You are THE GOODEST. Long-distance is hard, but your morning texts keep me going, you wordsmith, you. Looking forward to getting a bowl of that chili. — Your Spark, Your Pilot Flame

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Posted By on Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 1:29 PM

Just want to send some love out to the people who've had my back from my teen years to now. My longtime chosen family who get me and who have seen me at my worst, and supported me and encouraged me during my struggles, are the ones whose words ring through to my soul and strip all else away when things get noisy. All you moral, upstanding, dignified humans, who don't cheat or lie or undermine or covertly hurt anyone else, are my heroes. I love you all for so many reasons, but right now I'm so very grateful simply for you just being there. — You Know Who You Are

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Posted By on Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 11:20 AM

To the two couples having a posh dinner at around 6pm. I AM SO SO SORRY. I thought I could be as quiet as I could in blowing my nose but failed. My dear friend did mention it and I felt so very embarrassed. I was very tempted to pay for each of your desserts but I only thought of that gesture too late. So I ask you to please forgive me, and I hope both tables who heard me had a good night. Once again, I apologize. — Malh

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Posted By on Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 3:17 PM

Wonderful editors that lay out the Love/Bitch section. I'm sitting in New Zealand, reading a crinkly, month-old edition of The Coast that was definitely drenched at one point, that my family lovingly sends me from home. I begin to read as I usually do (check the photographer of the cover, and then read from back-to-front—goodies in the back, of course!) I arrive at the Love/Bitch section and do a quick scan: one love and five bitches. Hmm. That's a lot of bitching for a section that includes "love" in the title.

I check the date of the edition: week of January 9. Damn. At a time when Halifax is going through its post-holidaze recovery and many Scotians are actively struggling with depression, the one newspaper that hasn't totally fallen off the rails and still has decent content is really vibing with the shit. Yeah, it's funny. And yeah, it can make people feel better, sometimes. It's great to bitch it out and have others agree and validate it. But in a world where we're desperately needing some guiding light, and some seriously positive influence, do you think we could call back in some love, just a bit? There'd be an outrage if there'd been an interview that covered five hetero cis guys, one woman and no queens. I know there's more love in you, you can do it! — Love Is The Answer

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