Best Spa 2021 | Shopping + Services

Best of Halifax

Best Spa


Sensea Nordic Spa
40 Sensea Road, Chester


Spirit Spa
5150 Salter Street, suite 200


Vitality Medi-Spa
5424 Doyle Street

When Christophe Debeaumont opened Sensea Spa just outside Chester, NS in January 2020, no one knew the pandemic was lurking just around the corner. “We started with COVID pretty much,” says Debeaumont. “It’s been difficult times for all small businesses.” But COVID and all its accompanying stress and complications also gave Haligonians more desire than ever to reconnect with nature and their bodies. So Sensea took off, quickly becoming a must-visit destination. “They need an escape, they need to take a pause from the craziness brought by, the tension created by COVID,” says Debeaumont. “And I hope we bring that to life where they can just let it go and come back home reloaded.“ He chalks the BOH wins up to the team at Sensea: “Our sound belief is that we do our best to just care. That’s our only rule here, we want to provide as much care as we can to every single guest.”
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