Best Greek Restaurant 2018 | Ela! Greek Taverna, Bayers Lake | Food + Drink

Best of Halifax

Best Greek Restaurant

Ela! Greek Taverna, Bayers Lake

Gold Winner Ela! Greek Taverna, Bayers Lake

Silver Winner Athens Restaurant

Bronze Winner The Blue Olive Greek Taverna

“Doesn’t Athens always win?” asks manager Tanya Wilkinson. Depends on how well you know your history. While Quinpool Road’s Athens Restaurant has dominated the highly contested category of Best Greek Restaurant for the past five years, Ela! had a legendary winning streak before 2013. For over a decade the restaurant formerly known as Opa! was the preferred choice for Haligonians and once again, it’s at the top of Mount Olympus. A lot has changed over those years, but not the restaurant’s traditional Greek menu, which is still being cooked by the same gentleman who was working the kitchen when the business’ original downtown location opened. “Uncle” Charlie, as he’s affectionately known, is now in his 70s but still prepares Ela!‘s Greek specialties with care and the freshest of ingredients.

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