Best Yoga Studio 2017 | Moksha Yoga Halifax | Shopping + Services

Best of Halifax

Best Yoga Studio

Moksha Yoga Halifax

Best Yoga Studio
Alexa Cude

Gold Winner Moksha Yoga Halifax

Silver Winner Shanti Hot Yoga, Bedford

Bronze Winner On The Mat Yoga

Since 2008, Moksha Yoga has helped Haligonians warm up their bodies and chill out their minds. In those nine years the hot yoga studio has expanded from one floor to two, and has increased the offerings on its class schedule. Readers have voted it to the gold spot four years in a row. “I think it comes down to the teachers and how good they are at their job, and how much they care and genuinely love what they do.” says owner and instructor Joanna Thurlow. “They want to provide a good experience and I think that makes a really big difference.”

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