Best Fine Dining 2017 | The Bicycle Thief | Food + Drink

Best of Halifax

Best Fine Dining

The Bicycle Thief

Best Fine Dining
Alexa Cude

Gold Winner The Bicycle Thief

Silver Winner Chives Canadian Bistro

Bronze Winner EDNA

“We don’t look at it as a restaurant, this is our home. Everyone who comes here, we open the doors with open arms to welcome them,” says Hakan Uluer, co-owner of your choice for Best Fine Dining. The Bicycle Thief’s standout food is elevated thanks to this commitment to the customer; to making their experience personal and unforgettable. And a killer ambience (see Best Atmosphere) doesn’t hurt either. “We’re not stiff. The most important thing is how we interact with the people—be truthful and treat them like friends and family,” says Uluer. “It’s very simple actually.”

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