Best Pet Supply Store 2016 | Planet Paws Pet Essentials | Shopping + Services

Best of Halifax

Best Pet Supply Store

Planet Paws Pet Essentials

Gold Winner Jollytails Inc.

Silver Winner Pet Valu, Spring Garden

Bronze Winner Planet Paws Pet Essentials

When Pamela Smith and Tristan Flynn opened Jollytails four years ago, the business did just two things, doggy day care and dog training. But expanding into, first, pet supplies and then grooming has proven successful. “There’s a misconception that small stores are more expensive,” Flynn says, “but our philosophy is not to look at the bottom dollar.” For example, in the booming supply category of raw food for dogs, Jollytails found a low-cost supplier, and Flynn says they’d rather pass on the savings than mark it up for a big profit margin: “We’re happy to sell better food at a lower price because we think that’s what the best is.”

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