Best Esthetician 2015 | ZigZag Hair Studio | Shopping + Services

Best of Halifax

Best Esthetician

ZigZag Hair Studio

Gold Winner Katherine Hanlon, Zig Zag Hair Studio

Silver Winner Saskia Roch, Foxy Moon Hair Gallery

Bronze Winner Allison Mullins, Spirit Spa

Best Aesthetician
Five-time champ, Katherine Hanlon

“The best part of my job by far is the people,” says Katherine Hanlon, who takes home the gold for her aesthetics skills for the fifth year in a row. “I am so fortunate every day to create and nurture the relationships I have made with my clients.” She’s quick to send major thanks to all of those people she’s been sharing stories and experiences—and her first-rate services—with since the beginning of her career. “The fact that people will go out of their way to come see me instead of going some place convenient or closer to home is the biggest compliment,” says Hanlon. “It means that they come not only for the great service they know I can provide, but also to see me.”

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