Best Blogger 2013 | Public Life

Best of Halifax

Best Blogger

Gold Winner Colleen Anthony, Curtains Are Open

Silver Winner Krista Comeau, Melissa Dubé and Meghan Tansey Whitton, Fashion East

Bronze Winner Drew Moore and Gillian Wesley, The Local Traveler NS

Colleen Anthony always wanted to be a writer, but the fear of rejection kept her from trying for most of her life—until she got divorced. “There was too much in my head that needed to get out so I started writing it down, and never stopped,” she says. In the beginning, she blogged about moving on, mothering, the single life and going back to school in her 40s and now, her lifestyle blog Curtains Are Open has inspired her to write a book. “I owe so much to the people who read my posts,” says Anthony. “On my nuttiest days, when I need someone to listen, they listen. When I needed a good kick in the arse, they happily provided that as well!”
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