Best Artist / Band To Dance To 2013 | Music

Best of Halifax

Best Artist / Band To Dance To

Best Artist / Band To Dance To
Scott Blackburn

The ever-posi Rich Aucoin brings waves of confetti and good vibes wherever he goes, and that just so happens to be all over the world. Your choice for best Artist Most Likely To Make It Big and Best Artist To Dance To (duh, the parachute, guys!) took time to respond to his gold wins while on his way to France for a tour. “I’m very honoured to be an artist in our sweet community out here. I’ve always felt very lucky that we all have such a diverse and dedicated group of artists surrounding us in Halifax that help inspire and motivate us in our various projects,” says Aucoin. “I guess I’d just say thanks to everyone for their votes and endorsements. I’ll keep working as hard as possible to warrant the support.”

Gold Winner Rich Aucoin

Silver Winner The Mellotones

Bronze Winner Three Sheet

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