Best Fitness Instructor 2011 | 360fit | Shopping + Services

Best of Halifax

Best Fitness Instructor


Gold Winner Devin Sherrington, 360fit

Silver Winner Matt Mombourquette, One on One Wellness Centre

Bronze Winner Amanda Shulba, Good Life Fitness

Even outside a workout setting, Devin Sherrington has the upbeat, encouraging tone you’d expect from someone with a string of Best Personal Trainer gold wins. Talking about his big business move---November 2011 marks a year in the Windmill Road space---and the challenges of growing the training operation from essentially just him to him plus a staff of six trainers, he sounds excited, without a hint of the tired and nervous most mortals would feel. “It’s not like a real job,” Sherrington says, “I really love what I do.” A Coast reader comments, “he’s fantastic at pushing you to your limits physically while keeping a smile on your face with his sense of humour.” How can intense exercise co-exist with humour? “I make people work, but I’m not a yeller,” Sherrington says. “I don’t respond well to people yelling at me, and I don’t yell at people. I’m more a cheerer. As I say to my trainers: This is hard enough as it is without us being mean.”
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