Best Independent Bookseller 2007 | Frog Hollow Books | Shopping + Services

Best of Halifax

Best Independent Bookseller

Frog Hollow Books

“It’s been wonderful,” says Heidi Hallett, owner of Frog Hollow, of her first full year of running the store, which she took over from longtime former owner Mary Jo Anderson. “There’s always so much to do in a little independent bookstore and there’s been so many amazing books.” She counts the launch at the Seahorse for Stephanie Domet’s novel *Homing * a highlight, along with the visit of Newfoundlander Joel Hynes. Hallett also earned a Hand-Selling Award from Harper Collins for being an “enthusiastic” merchant of Heather O’Neill’s * Lullabies for Little Criminals*. “We sold hundreds of copies of that and we don’t sell a hundred of anything,” she says. “Except Stephanie’s book, we’ve just sold over a hundred of those.” Park Lane Mall, 5657 Spring Garden, 429-3318

First runner-up: Bookmark, 5686 Spring Garden, 423-0419

Second runner-up: The Book Room, 1546 Barrington, 423-8271

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