Best Member Of Parliament 2006 | Alexa McDonough | Public Life

Best of Halifax

Best Member Of Parliament

Alexa McDonough

Your favourite member of parliament wants you to know she’s touched and flattered you voted her the best once again, especially because Alexa McDonough has to spend so much time in Ottawa as the NDP’s foreign affairs and international development critic. “I don’t get to spend as much time on the ground, personally and politically, as I would like, so this is reassuring.” Off fighting for “a better world” and against “grotesque inequalities,” McDonough says she feels safer knowing there’s a younger generation that is knowledgeable and active about global issues. “I’ve been so inspired meeting with a vast array of NGOs, grassroots and international groups.” MP Halifax, 426-8691

1st runner-up Peter Stouffer, MP Sackville-Eastern Shore

2nd runner-up Geoff Regan, MP Halifax West, 426-2217

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