Wrapped up in Rooted | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Wrapped up in Rooted

Mary E. Black Gallery's exhibit of art quilts kicks off the countdown for Canadian Quilters Associations national conference.

Wrapped up in Rooted
Quilts galore at Mary E. Black.

Even though the weather's getting warmer Mary E. Black Gallery is cozying up with members of Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc., an international non-profit organization aimed at promoting art quilting via exhibition and education, world-wide. Rooted

features the intricate works of twenty-three members of Atlantic Canada's contingent of SAQA, who've all interpreted the theme in various ways. This showcase of local quilt art is a timely one, too because quilters from across the country will be wrapped up in Halifax on May 29 for Seams Like Home, the Canadian Quilters' Association's national five-day conference packed with classes, events and exhibits. Rooted opens to the public Friday, April 20 at 6pm.

April 20-June 10, Mary E. Black Gallery, 1061 Marginal Road, 492-2522

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