Tonight! CKDU gets you on a boat | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Tonight! CKDU gets you on a boat

Wear your flippie floppies and go to sea with The Stance, The Scoop Outs and Myles Deck and the Fuzz Friday, August 14

The Stance have perfected their "salty dogs with sea legs" look for the show

The Stance have perfected their
  • The Stance have perfected their "salty dog" look for the show

Never thought you’d be on a boat, did you? CKDU wishes to take you out on that big, blue watery road Friday, August 14, for a very special nautical engagement with The Scoop Outs, Myles Deck and The Fuzz and The Stance on the Haligonian III. Tickets are on sale in the CKDU office (in the Dalhousie Student Union building) Monday to Friday 12 - 5pm ($20 advance/ $25 at the door), or at CD Plus on Barrington. Final ticket purchases take place 10:30pm at Murphy's on the Water with boarding to follow promptly at 10:45pm. You are back on the dock by 1am, and this is a 19+ event, shorty.

Mark MacAulay from The Stance came up with the following wonderful slogans for the event:

"Crammed onto a schooner with all of your blotto friends, sailing between the skylines of Halifax and Dartmouth? I don't mean to get sentimental, but..."

"Halifax's lesser-known nautical tradition."

"It's not everyday you get to see the fantastic Myles Deck under the canopy of the mizzen mast... That's a thing, right?"

"Do you realize how much this event would cost a tourist?"

I would embroider any of these on a commemorative sailor's cap, wouldn't you?

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