Talent abounds in Inherit the Wind | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Talent abounds in Inherit the Wind

Dartmouth Players shine bright in this 1955 courtroom drama.

Talent abounds in Inherit the Wind
Dartmouth Players Kelly Doney-Morrison, Greg Alley, Terry Coolen and Sean Mott.

If you think that amateur theatre is not worth spending your entertainment dollars on, I challenge you to see the Dartmouth Player's production of Inherit the Wind. Though written in 1955, the topic of this piece---creationism versus Darwinism---is still surprisingly contentious in some circles today. The writing is exquisite, and when you add an exceptionally talented cast and crackerjack direction by DP newcomer Tamara Smith, you have an entertaining and challenging piece of theatre. The evangelical Brady (Greg Alley) and the wily lawyer Drummond (Terry Coolen) are the two titanic personalities that form the central relationship in the play. As played by Alley and Coolen, these characters are utterly believable in their passion and their flaws. On top of that, there are literally more than a dozen other really fine performances in this play, making this one courtroom drama you won't want to be guilty of missing.

Wed-Sat To April 28, Dartmouth Players Theatre, 33 Crichton Street, 8pm, $15/$12, 465-7529

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