SISTER | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Forget Scott Pilgrim for a second. Plumtree’s Lynette and Carla Gillis, wisely taking advantage of the big-screen boost, released their new EP at the Scott Pilgrim book launch in Toronto, but SISTER deserves attention on its own. Joined by Ryan Myshrall on bass and produced by Peter Elkas, the sisters (Lynette on drums/vocals, Carla on keys/guitar/vocals) celebrate their family the best way they know how. Style-wise, “Orion” recalls Florence and the Machine’s more fragile moments, but the narrative-driven lyrics (“I cupped my hands over my face and breathed my own familiar smell/lavender and Chanel”) and astronomical references recall classic rock storytelling. Save some room for “Wishbone” a straight-up, fun pop tune grounded by ’90s guitar, and the electro-dance keyboards on “Feather on the Ocean Floor.” Melancholic “Loring, MT (pop. 8),” grounded by Lynette’s drums and sweet sibling harmonies, might be about being trapped on one side of the border, but it soars into a beautiful place: memories.

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