Raise a ruckus? You don't have to ask me twice. | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Raise a ruckus? You don't have to ask me twice.

If you like hooting, hollering and classical music, you should boot it down to the CBC Radio Building (5600 Sackville) on Friday at 1pm to "Raise a Ruckus for Radio 2." The event is described as follows: "A gathering to protest the proposed changes to CBC Radio 2's programming (scrapping most classical music and replacing with light jazz and pop) and the pending disbanding of the CBC Radio Orchestra (the last of its kind in North America, yet Britain alone has five). The protest will be noisy but legal, please." Possible protest slogans: "Take away my classical, and I will kick your assical." "Mess with my baroque and get your nose broke." "Step back from my Dvorak." "We're not being snotty, we want Scarlatti." Or you can make up your way, way, way better ones with your superior minds.

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