Paper Beat Scissors surprise show tonight | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Paper Beat Scissors surprise show tonight

Gus' Pub with Loon Choir and This Ship. And a bassoon.

Paper Beat Scissors surprise show tonight
Fabienne Doiron
Paper Beat Scissors and a piece of paper.

Tonight at Gus' Pub, European jet setter Paper Beat Scissors jumps out from behind a curtain and surprises everyone with a secret show featuring a lot of cool instruments. "It's gonna be a very special show with a seven-piece (bassoon, euphonium, violin, guitar, bass, drums) PBS lineup in preparation for NSMW," PBS' Tim Crabtree says. Bassoon, you say? Also on the bill is Ontario's Loon Choir and This Ship. You had this on your dream board and, my, how the universe delivered.

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