Midnight In Paris nostalgic joy | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Midnight In Paris nostalgic joy

Woody Allen's most recent film a whimsical treat

Writer-director Woody Allen continues to make a movie every year, and his 2011 effort is a winner. Owen Wilson is Californian screenwriter and frustrated novelist Gil, visiting the City of Light with his fiance Inez (Rachel McAdams). Enraptured by the city, one night Gil goes for a stroll and gets into a car with Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, kicking off a delightful time-travel fantasy for anyone who’s ever wanted to hobnob with the 20th Century’s literary and artistic giants, most of whom congregated in Paris cafes in the 1920s. The modern-day scenes---and McAdams’ character---are a bit one-note, but Allen taps into the same nostalgic whimsy that produced Radio Days and Purple Rose of Cairo.

Midnight in Paris is not showing in any theaters in the area.

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